4 Ways Training Can Land You More Freelance Writing Gigs

As a freelance writer, you know that competition for writing…

The Semantic Web & Knowledge Graph with Bill Slawski

As the go-to expert for all things Google patents for some ten…

5 Expert Promotion Tips to Rock Your Blog

You’ve crafted a great blog post. Now what? If you answered…

Need Blog Post Ideas? Have You Tried These Tips...?

Let's face it. Magically coming up with blog post ideas is grueling.…

5 Branding Tips for Building Your Biz: The Chicken & Egg Strategy

by Tracy Mallette Your audience -- meaning your combined…

SEO via Media Relations with @SpinSucks Gini Dietrich

You've most likely heard of Spin Sucks and the force behind it,…

10 Stupid Business Mistakes Smart Writers Make

Are you struggling in your freelance writing business and you…

How to Survive the Business Dark Times

Sometimes, I receive an email that's so compelling that I need…

Do You Know What Your Prospects Are Really Thinking?

Want to know a secret? When prospective buyers visit your website,…

Unhappy With Your Business? Try This

Have you ever had a <headdesk> moment when you realized…