How to Generate 3,640 Blog Post Ideas in 12 Months

Imagine what it would be like to generate 3,640 blog post ideas in…

2014's 10 Hottest SEO Copywriting Posts

2014 is almost over. What a long, strange year it's been. Authorship…

10 Must-Read Posts for Freelance SEO Copywriters

Running a freelance SEO copywriting business means wearing many…

Should You Bleed On The Page?

James Altucher does it. Rand Fishkin does it. Ben Huh does it.…

6 Things to Check Before Turning In Your Final Draft

Have you ever thought, "Wow, that headline could be better" after…

9 SEO Copywriting Experts Share Their Top Tips

Want to peek inside the busy brain of an expert SEO copywriter? Recently,…

14 Must-Read SEO Copywriting Tips

If you're an SEO writer, you're probably doing more than…

What Taught Me About First Email Impressions

I had one rule when I was on If I saw misspellings,…

Do You Suck at Marketing Your Own Site?

During client meetings, your smart marketing ideas fly around…

Tired of Hearing Your Rates Are Too Expensive? Try This

"We'd love to work with you, but your prices are just too far…