5 SEO writing myths that cost you money

SEO writing doesn't work. Google keeps changing their algorithm.…

SEO content marketing roundup, week ending June 12th

In this week’s latest and greatest online marketing news, content…

5 Tips to Guarantee Your Guest Blogging Pitch Doesn't Suck

I see a lot of guest blogging pitches. Most of them are simply…

SEO Copywriting Checklist: Why your video sales letter sucks...

...(and what you can do about it!). Greetings! Today’s video…

When to run away from an SEO copywriting company

Wondering if you should hire a certain SEO copywriting company? Maybe...depending…

SEO content marketing roundup, week ending June 5th

In this week’s latest and greatest online marketing news, the…

The 4 C's of a smokin' hot YouTube marketing strategy

With over 100 hours of video uploaded every minute and over one…

SEO Copywriting Checklist: Why your site needs a newsletter. Right now.

Greetings! Welcome to another installment in the SEO Copywriting…

Freelance copywriters and IT: Can't we all just get along?

Geeks. Propeller-heads. Huge obstacles to a site's success. When…

SEO content marketing roundup, week ending May 29th

This week’s latest and greatest online marketing news is dominated…