How to Raise Your Freelance Copywriting Rates

You know it's time. You've gathered some great case studies.…

SEO content marketing roundup, week ending February 6th

Where were you when the Superbowl went dark? Social media marketers…

What Google's authorship markup means for SEO

Back in June of 2011 Google announced their support for authorship…

Do You Need a Copywriting Contract?

Greetings and welcome to yet another installment of Heather’s…

5 Copywriting Blind Spots That Can Cost You Sales

Did you know that a typo could cause a prospect to go from, "Wow,…

SEO content marketing roundup, week ending January 30th

Going mobile? In this week’s latest and greatest online marketing…

How to Fire A Writing Client

If you’re a freelancer, you’ve probably wanted to end a client…

Should You Give a Writing Discount Now If the Client Promises More Work Later?

Greetings! Welcome to the fourth installment of Heather’s “how…

SEO content marketing roundup, week ending January 23rd

In this week’s latest and greatest internet marketing news,…

Our favorite SEO copywriting guest posts: 12 from 2012

Picking up on last week’s theme (when we listed 2012’s top…