There's Only One Pink – Be True to Your Style

Last weekend I saw Pink in concert for the second time this year.…

Feeling Stuck In Your Freelance Writing Business? Read This.

Is your gut filled with sharp stress knots? Do you feel so stuck…

It's your Penguin 2.1 wake-up call!

Oh, wait – you didn’t request one? With link spammers still…

SEO content & social media marketing synergy: 3 perspectives

It’s that time again, when we feature some of our best guest…

Be a loser like me

"My name is Amy and I am a New York Giants fan." "Hi Amy." If…

FUD, Hummingbird and the future of SEO copywriting

So, Google's Hummingbird algorithm has officially taken flight. And…

How to thrive post-Hummingbird: A guide for SEO content creators

Like, whoa! In case you’ve missed the Internet the past couple…

SEO Copy Manager Richard Hostler talks in-house SEO copywriting

Brookstone SEO Copy Manager and Ironman (he completed the triathlon…

Feeling the burn and seeking some balance

"Feel the burn!" If you hear this when you are working out,…

How to Start Your Own Freelance SEO Copywriting Business

Recently, I gathered a collection of Heather’s posts about…