Interview with SEO Copywriting Certification Grad, Marissa Bishop

Marissa Bishop is the founder of Mimi Bee Marketing, a company…

Mr. Spock's Guide to Out-Of-This-World SEO Copywriting

Hi, my name is Heather, and I'm an old-school Trekkie ("Hi, Heather!"). When…

SEO content marketing roundup, week ending September 21st, 2011

In this week's latest and greatest web writing news, Google+…

Language, Context and Conversions: Thoughtful Prose from the Pros

Guest post by Gabriella Sannino, SEO Copywriting Expert of Level…

Want Better Conversions? Get Specific with Your Benefit Statements

Want to sell more? Make your benefit statements specific. Very…

Easy Ways to Panda-Proof Your Content

Panda is everywhere! I'm here at SMX East, and "Panda" is definitely…

Analytics Tell a Story: Understanding Basic Data

Previously, I wrote a post here, on the SEO copywriting blog…

Life Lessons Learned After September 11th

This Sunday, September 11th, I'll be heading to NYC on an American…

SEO Content Marketing Roundup, Week Ending September 7th, 2011

Can anyone stop the big Apple’s (mobile) or the big G's Chrome…

Target Your Web Copy with an Ideal Customer Profile

There’s something at the center of every great web copy page.…