Will ChatGPT Take Your Job? Maybe.

Chances are, you’ve heard about ChatGPT’s AI technology and its ability to crank out everything from break-up texts to college essays.

As content writers, we may smugly laugh at AI content and all its mistakes. “Robots aren’t coming for my writing job. ChatGPT can’t do what I can do.”

I ask you this with all the love in my heart: Are you sure?

Here’s why…

If you work with smaller businesses that struggle to pay your fees monthly — or that grumble at paying $100+ for a blog post — the free (or the paid $20/month version) of ChatGPT will sound like a no-brainer.

Especially if the client doesn’t understand how your writing helps make them money.

If you’ve focused on likes and comments — not conversions — a client may think that a robot could easily do your job.

If the client gives you keyphrases and you write “SEO copy” around them, your client may think AI could do the job cheaper and better.

And that’s a you problem.

Because the client is right — if your content isn’t positioning, making them money, or actively engaging with an audience (which ties back to money) — a robot may be a better alternative.

It won’t be perfect, but it will probably get similar results for less money.

But here’s the alternative…

If you’re able to show your client that your blog posts drive Google traffic (which eventually drives conversions), you’re in a much better position.

Your content drives revenue. It’s harder to argue with that.

Plus, positioning yourself as a strategist makes you more valuable — and allows you to charge more.

After all, if ChatGPT is here to stay, why not be the person who advises clients on how to use it correctly and find ways to fold it into their overall strategy?

There may be some repetitive content tasks better served by ChatGPT (combined with some human editing, of course).

Yes, you’d still write content — especially sales pages and blog posts designed to position, engage, and convert.

ChatGPT can spew out words. Some of them are even good words. But they aren’t the best words for YOUR audience.

Only you (and your client) know that.

Can you still be “just a writer” in today’s ChatGPT world?

Yes, but you better bring something freakin’ awesome to the table.

Being “good enough” isn’t good enough anymore. You’ll be okay if you can write for industries that ChatGPT can’t serve well (like financial, technical, or medical) or if you specialize in thought leadership content.

You’re golden if you can write top-positioned blog content that drives traffic and conversions.

You will always be able to charge a premium for documented sales copy success — you’ve got skills and knowledge that ChatGPT doesn’t have.

Plus, this is also where good marketing comes into play. Case studies showcasing your optimization skills or specialized, customer-focused service offerings can keep you “safe.”

After all, a multi-million dollar B2B company probably doesn’t want ChatGPT writing their white paper.

If running the business side of your SEO writing business is tough and you’re not sure how to market yourself or package services — hire a coach. Invest in yourself. Spend the money. It will be expensive. It will be worth it.

You can thrive during uncertain times by working with someone who can shorten your learning curve and help you — or you can suffer in silence. It’s your choice.

I’ve had people ask how ChatGPT has affected sales of my SEO Copywriting Certification training.

I wondered how that was going to go too. 🤔

Fortunately, my sales have increased, and there’s an uptick in “tell me more” emails. It’s the same with my customized SEO writing training services too.

My guess is, writers are reading the robot room and realizing they need more advanced writing skills.

That’s a good call.

So what about you?

Because this is the time to make a decision. Are you going to compete with robots that will do all the writing for $20/month?

Or are you going to step up, showcase your knowledge and value, and gain the skills you need to compete?

After all, robots will only take your jobs if you let them.

Are you wondering if a bunch of low-quality content will suddenly flood the index? Here’s my take on Google’s 2011 Panda update and what it means to today’s AI content.

What do you think?

Are you worried about our robot overlords? Leave a comment!

10 replies
  1. William says:

    I can’t agree more with this article. There is nothing to fear these AI tools. In fact, we should use them to our advantage. I use ChatGPT to produce Title ideas and alternatives and also draft the article structure and subheadings. I completely eliminate the procrastination areas using the tool and then focus my energy on the research and the writing. I’ve halved my writing time.

  2. Victor says:

    There’s no choice, but to embrace the ever-changing marketing landscape. That’s just the nature of the beast. Canva didn’t replace graphic designers, and neither will A.I. replace copywriters. If a potential client brings up that common objection, it’s because they don’t understand what copywriting actually is and how it works. For example, if it doesn’t understand emotions or empathy which is essential for crafting, and doesn’t know the client’s voice( personality, style of writing), it can get clapped by Google for duplicate content. Just for fun, I would ask the potential client if to ask it exactly this question “What are the limitations that CHATGPT and similar A.I. software have when it comes to copywriting?”. It’ll give them at leats 5. lol…

    “While AI language models like ChatGPT have made significant advancements in natural language processing, there are still several limitations when it comes to copywriting. Some of these limitations include:

    Lack of creativity: While AI language models are proficient in generating text, they lack creativity and the ability to think outside the box. This means that the content generated by AI may lack the originality and uniqueness that human copywriters can bring to the table.

    Inability to understand context: AI language models can generate text based on the input given to them. However, they may not always understand the context in which the text is being used. This can result in content that may not be appropriate for the intended audience or message.

    Difficulty in understanding emotion and tone: AI language models may not be able to comprehend the emotional context of a piece of text or the tone required for a particular message. This can result in copy that may not convey the intended message or elicit the desired emotional response from the reader.

    Limited ability to incorporate SEO best practices: While AI language models can generate content that is grammatically correct and flows well, they may not be able to optimize content for search engines in the same way that a human copywriter can. This can result in content that may not rank well in search engine results pages.

    Lack of domain-specific knowledge: AI language models are trained on vast amounts of data, but they may not have the same level of domain-specific knowledge as a human copywriter who has experience in a particular industry or niche. This can result in content that may not be accurate or appropriate for the intended audience.”



  3. Riya says:

    Very well written, As an AI tool chatgpt is great for generating ideas and writing blogs but It will never give in a human touch so ya these Ai tools are good for alternate but can’t replaces humans. Great Post!

  4. manish says:

    ChatGPT, for instance, can assist with various tasks such as generating content, answering questions, or providing suggestions. However, it lacks certain qualities that humans possess, such as creativity, empathy, and critical thinking. There are numerous jobs and roles that require these uniquely human skills, and AI is far from being able to replicate them fully.

    Instead of fearing job loss, it’s more constructive to consider how AI can enhance productivity, streamline processes, and free up human workers to focus on more complex and meaningful tasks. By leveraging AI technologies, we can potentially create new opportunities and reshape the way we work.

    Ultimately, the future of work is likely to involve a collaboration between humans and AI, where each contributes their respective strengths. So rather than viewing AI as a threat to jobs, it’s more accurate to see it as a tool that can complement and empower human workers, leading to greater efficiency and innovation.


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