What's in it for me?

As I have mentioned before, I am a fan of 1980s pop culture.…

Many writers, one voice – it IS possible

Your in-house marketing team may consist of several copywriters…

Step away from the thesaurus!

Although it's true that synonyms are an SEO copywriter's friend,…

Write for Humans and Robots for Best Search Results

I'm not an SEO expert. I don't even play one on TV. But I…

Take your content marketing to the Super Bowl

If you follow the NFL, you know that the Seattle Seahawks and…

Sing to your customers

Have you ever listened to the lyrics of a song and thought, "I…

Be SMART and scrap the resolutions

As 2013 winds down, you may find yourself reflecting on the…

I can't read this

This isn't something that I want to admit, but I need new glasses. Each…

How Google Attempts to Understand What a Query or Page is About Based Upon Word Relationships

A little crunched for time, and feeling both hungry and lazy,…