Entries by Heather Lloyd-Martin

Why You Should Question The Experts

Do you engage in a content marketing strategy because your favorite guru wrote about it in a blog post? It’s time to stop. Let’s face it — we all do this from time to time. We have our content marketing expert favorites. We read their success stories, case studies, and in-depth blog posts. We feel like we’re part […]

Are You a Content Strategist or an SEO Copywriter?

Are you undervaluing your work — and selling yourself short? I’ve talked to many freelance and in-house copywriters who claim that they’re “just” a writer. Sure, most of their time is spent writing copy. But they’re also setting the editorial calendar, using tools like BuzzSumo to find new topic ideas and even explaining Google’s latest updates to their […]

The C-Word And Why Content Isn’t King

You know what I’m tired of hearing? The oft-repeated mantra “content is king.” “But wait Heather,” you may say. “You train people how to write content. You consult on SEO content development. Heck, your entire career was built on content.” True. But I think the mantra “content is king” has done more harm than good. Why? […]