Entries by Heather Lloyd-Martin

5 Ways to Spice Up Your B2B Content

News flash: B2B content doesn’t have to be boring. I know, I know. Writing for B2B sites isn’t easy. Products like lanyards and construction helmets aren’t necessarily sexy. Your competitors’ sites are probably just as boring. And the powers-that-be may feel more comfortable with “just the facts” feature-filled content. Yet, for many (most) B2B sites, there’s room […]

Climb out of your comfort zone!

I have an incredible fear of heights. Bouldering makes every muscle I have tighten up with anxiety. And I don’t do heat well. If it’s over 75 degrees, I feel like I’m melting. So of course I spent 16 days rafting the Grand Canyon – the land of sheer drops, lots of bouldering and 105+ degree temperatures. Why? […]

Should Content Always Be Free?

I’m going to suggest something radical. You know that content you’re creating? Your blog posts, white papers and other assets you use for SEO and lead generation? What if you sold that information rather than giving it away for free? I’ve been thinking about this a lot. Back in the “early days” of the web, […]