Entries by Heather Lloyd-Martin

How to build an internal content team: Do this, not that

Yes, you can source low-cost, quality content by leveraging your internal resources (I talked about this last week.) If you follow some basic guidelines. The key to a strong internal team is putting the right puzzle pieces together the right way. I’ve helped a number of companies tap into their teams and uncover some fantastic “diamond-in-the-rough” […]

How to source low-cost, quality SEO content

Are you wondering how your company can actually afford quality SEO content? You’re not alone. Companies are drowning in content needs. The existing marketing department (assuming there is one) may be too swamped to consistently write articles and blog posts. Finding outsourced vendors can be equally frustrating. Companies are often looking for Cadillac-level SEO content […]

FUD, Hummingbird and the future of SEO copywriting

So, Google’s Hummingbird algorithm has officially taken flight. And it’s amazing how many people have their collective panties in a knot because of it. If you’re not familiar with Google’s latest algorithm, here’s what Danny Sullivan reported: “Google said that Hummingbird is paying more attention to each word in a query, ensuring that the whole […]

Are you sabotaging yourself?

Last Sunday I ran my first 10K. Running has always been a bit…challenging…for me. Sure, I learned to embrace it and run the occasional 5K. But a 10K seemed impossible. That’s 6.2 miles. Of running. Wow. In a fit of stubbornness, I signed up for my first 10K a few months ago. Had I ever […]