Entries by Heather Lloyd-Martin

Going Beyond Linkbait – Why You Need Good, Original Content

Last week, I read an article in Mediaweek that warmed my heart. The title? “Marketer Must-Have: Original Web Editorial.” The article profiled how AT&T hired an outside firm to create value-added content that’s “something of value and more than just an advertising message.” Why? Because they realized, according to the article, “Search and social media […]

The #1 Deadliest SEO Copywriting Sin

Recently, a couple blog posts have focused on the “deadly sins” of SEO copywriting and content marketing. Michelle Bowles from TopRank Marketing showcases five tips for avoiding deadly SEO copywriting sins. An old (now offline) post from GrokDotCom reminds us that “Nobody wants to read your sh**! These articles are funny, informative and (for some) […]

Why Puffery Will Make Your Sales Go “Poof”

The other day, someone left a message saying they were from “the world’s leading Internet marketing company.” “That’s strange,” I thought. I’ve heard from two other companies in the last three days, all claiming to be “the world’s leading Internet marketing company.” Did I call them back? Nope. If I can’t trust what they say […]

Need SEO Copywriting Advice? Come to SES San Jose!

The sun is beating down (it’s going to hit 107 today in Portland – wow!), the “back to school” sales are starting…

…It must be time for Search Engine Strategies, San Jose.

I’ve been speaking at this conference for 8 years (the first year was in San Francisco) and have loved every minute of it. And now, I’m thrilled (and honored) to say that I’ll be speaking on two SES panels. It’s all the SEO content marketing goodness you want, packed in two, fun-filled sessions. Plus, my fellow panelists (and moderators) are not to be missed!

SEO Copywriting Is Dead. Long Live SEO Content Marketing

I’ve been reading the latest “Is SEO copywriting dead” debate by Glenn Murray and Brian Clark. Considering that I’ve been talking about SEO copywriting for over 11 years – and I’m considered by some as the pioneer of SEO copywriting – reading the headline “SEO copywriting is dead” is a little like hearing that your baby is ugly. My first response was not just “No,” but “Hell no” – SEO copywriting is alive and well.

But then I got to thinking. You know what? I’m going to agree with them. Maybe, as it’s currently defined, SEO copywriting should be dead. And here’s why.

10 Common Dumbass SEO Copywriting Mistakes

It’s sad to see people set themselves up for SEO copywriting failure.

Every day, I talk to folks who literally hobble their own success. It’s not that they don’t have the resources for a robust SEO copywriting campaign – heck, sometimes, they’re swimming in budget. Where they get stuck is that they’re making the same dumbass SEO copywriting mistakes over and over…

…yet expecting different results.

If this sounds like you, please, please, consider this a wake-up call. It is possible to do lots of cool things with your content – capture leads, encourage downloads and even make sales.

But the first step is admitting you have a problem. Once you do, you can pinpoint the dumbass mistake you’re making and see some positive changes. For once.

Here’s ten things to watch.

Ten Stupid Things Catalog Marketers Do to Mess up Their Sites

Catalog marketers – wake up! It’s time to “get” SEO copywriting -or run the risk of having a poorly-performing site and subpar search visibility.

Last week, I enjoyed the honor of speaking at the Direct Marketing Association’s ACCM conference. And it was an excellent reality check for me. Although I’ve been talking about SEO copywriting for over 10 years, there are many catalog marketers who just don’t “get it.” Here’s 10 of the most stupid thing that catalog marketers do to mess up their site.

Case Study: How SEO Copywriting Helped One Small Business Owner Stretch His Marketing Dollars

When Dan Walton, co-owner of the Portland, OR based Pilates studio Studio Blue launched his Website in 2007, he faced a frustrating problem.
“I Googled “Portland Pilates” and my site didn’t come up,” said Walton. “Other studios were showing up in the top ten results.”

Walton – who isn’t a computer geek and didn’t know anything about search engines – decided to take matters into his own hands. The Pilates instructor learned about search engine optimization (SEO), took a SEO copywriting training course, and learned how to write copy that gets better search engine rankings. Now, Walton’s site appears in the top 10 of Google for keyword searches like “Portland OR Pilates” and “Pilates mat classes” – and he estimates getting at least five new clients a week from his Website.